
By Blokko

Time Waits for No Man

Only 10 days into my 365 Photo Challenge and already I've missed 2 days :-(

I've just hit a patch at work where I'm working through lunch and into the evening - so I haven't the time, inclination, patience or energy (physical or creative) to get a photo every day.

I did think about taking a photo of my lens cap (in situ) for each day where I don't have time to take a 'proper' photo, but then I came to the conclusion that this would still take up some of my time and would serve no real purpose.

So, I've reconciled myself to the fact that that I'm not now going to post every day. Hopefully I'll start to get my lunchtimes back soon and as we turn to spring and summer maybe it will be easier for me to get photos in the evening. I've also got a few trips lined up over the coming weeks - Paris, Brussels, Chicago, Toronto, Manchester - so I'll make sure I get daily photos (somehow) when I'm away.

For those of you wondering, today's photo is of a clock !

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