Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Fitness January 2014 !!

Tonight we were joined by Joss ( tits McGees boy) and my Lucy ... There was an incident !! Lucy came off her scooter and landed on her face !! She cried out and there was a little bit of blood on her mouth and lots of dirt all over her but god alive she REFUSED to let us turn back she would not stop bless her and she is tough as old boots ... She went back to school today but when she got home she looked dreadful and had a temperature again :( I just don't know what to do with the poor little sausage ... Also she wanted to exercise as she thought it might help kill the germs ...

Today my mother and I ate a a bumper pack of kit kats and five sugared doughnuts ..oh and a WHOLE loaf of olive and fancy nut bread loaf ...

PS it rained on us .. We are fitness freaks !!!

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