My City
Hey! I'm experimenting!!
Caught this view as I was walking to my "pick-up point" to get home after work. Don't know why I haven't noticed it all these months but to the right in the front is the building I work in and the buildings in the middle which look like one massive building are several sky scrapers on the other side of SZR going towards Jebel Ali. The picture was shot in B&W and Picasa's Heat Map filter has made it look interesting given it a bit of life!
So, I went to work today and struggled. Never had such a tickly cough before that won't even respond to Vicks triangles. Everyone is very tolerant and forgiving. Actually, quite a number of people are coughing as well and now G thinks I may have shared my germs passed it on. I reminded her she works in a school but apologised too - just in case.
Thursday tomorrow. Woo hoo! :)
PS. Don't miss the pick-up truck delivering gas... didn't look much in the actual picture but this treatment has really made it prominent. Always amazed at the safety in this place. Our previous flat had extra hard walls as in the late 70s, there was a gas explosion that took out the kitchen wall and front window. We have an electric cooker.
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