are my three orchid plants. One has no flowers at the moment and I cant remember what colour they were. The other one has many little white flowers and as I discarded the ones that were worn out I got the idea to catch my macro lens and try my luck on the big white flowers of the third one.
My two brothers had tried to phone me yesterday evening when we had been away for our lovely dinner party.
In the morning both phoned to congratulate me. They are both elder than me and I would say that they differ a lot from each other.
Mischa had given me the Kasbah fairy light string that she had ordered in the UK and I needed a special extra plug. There was a chance that I could find one at the market stall in Loosduinen, that is set once a week on Wednesday.
None available now but some weeks later I could have a chance.
So I set off, happy to feed after two days of absence the swan family and other birds. It rained, first a bit, later harder and as I made a little detour to the gardencenter to see if they had some bulbs left that I could put in the ground next week, I walked slowly and pondered a bit about world, life, me.
It took a long time before I was warm again.

My haiku:

Could I resemble
Orchids patiently waiting
For feed and blooming

And the proverb:

Het zijn blaauwe bloempjes.

Translation: Tell that to the marines or Pull the other one.

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