Raising Moon over Frozen lake (-10c)

I left home from work after 4pm. And as I walked to the car, I saw the moon raising. Had short walk to the lake nearby and there she was - pale and beautiful company in the blue world. Maybe worth to take a larger look! Even if this is only a snapshot with the pocket camera...

Lake seemed to be frozen so that someone (not me) had already tried to walk - apparently succesfully - on the ice. Some boats were left to the shore to collect the snow and wait for the summer. There will be some months to that...

Quite cool day, -10c today. Refreshing, really.

In case you missed the journal: 'How to survive winter in Finland and enjoy it' I publish it again here. Somehow it is so funny article, as this is so normal here - but is maybe good to read also for us, finns... Sometimes the winter feels not very nice here. But maybe we just should try to enjoy and appreciate what we got? Atleast we do not have earthquakes here. And we have very few terrorist also, as I think there is very few people in the world, that really would like to make terrorist act in this cold place...


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