
By Indy653

Bring Me Sunshine

"I don't use sunscreen because my lifestyle makes it far more likely my liver, lungs, or heart will deteriorate before my skin."
Unknown quotes

Unbelievably bleak and rainy day here. In at school more this week due to impending prelims and inspection but left early to visit the local sunbed. The girls who man it are all impossibly brown and glamorous. I've always been slightly perplexed by the notice on the bed -'sanitised for your convenience' - what, to save me carrying my own cleaning products and giving it a quick scrub before I lie down? Surely 'cleaned ' would be enough or 'ready'. Anyway I know it's not healthy but I always feel better after a visit. I usually try to go once a week but have missed a few over Xmas. I love the sun and although fairly pink skinned I'm sure my ancestors were from Africa while my husband has much more affinity with the Nordic countries. Some day I'd like to have my genetic code analysed - but I'd probably find that I'm very, very boring and hail from Milton Keynes!

The inestimable Eric and Ernie:

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