The Windvane Family

Due to public unrest - backed up by shop owners - the parking charges which were due to be introduced in Livingston car parks last Monday were not.

This was a plus for me today when I headed off to try and get some photographs for a future competition.
It made it a lot easier to ditch the car and shoot the roundabound I had chosen,
The nice wether was a bit of a plus too.

This shot was taken using my lensbaby (it gives a feeling of movement without there being any - I hope).
Some of the details on the windvanes are quite smart and I doubt very much that there are many people have actually seen them owing to the fact that they are partially hidden by trees and the roundabout isn't actually on a pedestrian route.

On the way back to the car and SWMBO I liked the curve of the vapour trail in contrast to the straight lamp standard.
I wonder why the pilot changed direction and then went back .......... hot coffee spilt in his lap?

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