
By Beckett


..... at the risk of boring you all, did not have to go too far again today for a Blip!!!

As you all know Southern Australia is going through a heat wave at present with temps over 43deg C in Adelaide and Melbourne, even Paladian was able to cook her eggs outside yesterday!!!

Anyway, back to my Blip today! Out watering early as we are due for a 37deg C today, and spotted this little guy. So small, around 5mm in length, you hardly see it flying, and it was also loving our Callistemon Hot Pink. You can get the picture of size against the stamens from the Callistemon.

And then in our gerbera found this grub enjoying a feed.

Whilst having some breakfast later, spotted my friendly blackbird, heading back to the nest with some tucker. Have a look in large and it looks like he has a worm and a bug of some nature.

So all in all, easy pickings for me today... nature is certainly working around here!

Enjoy, and although cropped, have a look in LARGE.

UPDATE: found the variety it is a stingless bee and some interesting info and videos on the link

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