
By SilverImages

Frost pattern on the window

I've had the usual problem deciding on which photo to use!

The day started with frost covering the car and windows to my studio - so I dashed out to get some photos quickly, before the rising sun melted it.

Photos in the bag I went about the day and, later, headed off with close friends Pete and Alan for our "Christmas" get-together; lunch at The Crown at Pantygelli, the other side of Abergavenny. Had so much going on during December that I asked to delay our get-together until the New Year. January is uaually a fairly quiet month for me business-wise; a good time to take stock and decide on direction for the coming year .

Over lunch I made a further nuisance of myself by photographing inside the pub and also our meals as they arrived . Had a really enjoyable meal in great company at the pub, resolved to make a return visit before too long- maybe to take a walk up nearby Deri Hill. Oh, and the view across to Skirrid from The Crown is pretty good too! A bit chilly for sitting outside today though so it was strictly indoors where there was a log fire burning in the fireplace.

I'd anticipated using one of the photos from the pub meal as my offering today, but when I looked at the photos I had from the frost I decided I had to use one of them. I'd never seen a pattern quite like this before . For those who want to see photos from the pub you'll have to make a visit to my Facebook page, I'll be putting a few up there.

Photography done I had some other work to get on with which took me well into the evening to finish, but it was well worth delaying starting for the pleasure of the lunch and all the photos I managed to get today.

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