Just one of those days

Bad start
Said to Charlotte are you looking forward to big tots today, compete meltdown with shouts of SUE - NO! (Sue is her current key worker)
Got to the car and it was frozen shut.
The rain we had about six had frozen so was virtually impossible to scrape into the bargain.
Passed one car on its roof!
Got to another notorious icy stretch and blue lights everywhere, detour took forever due to sheer volume of traffic. Dropped Charlotte at nursery at 8:15, took a further 15 minutes to get to school!
I arrived as children were arriving, luckily I had rung ahead so someone was there for the class.

Day wasn't too bad

Charlotte did from 1:30-4:45 in new room. Took a while for her to settle, but she is getting there. She was quite happy to have her nappy changed by the staff which is major step forward.

Just got the crocodile to bed, one wee in her bed,one wee on the chair all because I wanted to get a nappy on her! silly mummy

Had to bring 28 books home to mark! My little helper was quite keen to get marking!

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