
Beautiful old building upstairs. Mcdonalds downstairs.

Two nights of really crappy sleep caught up with me today and after a day of meetings and chat, I feel exhausted and drained and other words that mean that and ever so slightly overwhelmed. So much so that I turned down several offers of dinner companions this evening and came back to the hotel to talk to my babies. Who I am missing a lot. And then realised that I was hungry, couldn't face to eat a hotel dinner to went forth to find something nice to eat (not Mcdonalds!). Found a nice looking restaurant, ordered my dinner and some of the lovely Romanian red wine. With the wine, the waiter brought me some bread a tiny amount of cheese, half a tomato and some dippy pasty stuff. I hadn't ordered that but decided it was probably part of the traditional Romanian welcome. The cheese, bread and tomato were all lovely, not so much the dippy, pasty thing. I think it was probably quite olivey and I am still not very grown up in my olive tastes. Then my dinner came, I had ordered random, adventurous looking things off the menu and it was all very tasty (pickled cucumber salad is actually a plate of pickled cucumbers, should you ever wonder). I drank my wine and got the bill. When it turned out that the dippy pasty thing and cheese I didn't order made up a whole third of the bill. Cheeky buggers. I didn't mention it though, not my money :)

Tomorrow I shall be well rested and positive and will put excellent plans in place to overcome the overwhelmedness. It's an annoying place to be, outside of your comfort area......

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