This day

By snapper


For some time now I have been asking Scottish Hyrdo to come and take this money gobbling token meter out of my sight! They were meant to come in Dec but given that it was that wild day that my poor youngest was forced to do that horrific 145 mile detour I wasn't surprised when the Electric guys didn't turn up but they should have phoned! Today was the next earliest date they then had!! so I left hubby in the house to let the chap in.
Chappy came took one look at the meter & said he couldn't remove it as the wires leading into the existing meter were too short!! In the name of God!! they are a fecking electricity company who surly employ electricians! My bloody husband could have done the job ! but oh now this plonker had to get back to head office!

So when I came home tonight and hubby told me the bloody meter was still in situ I blew up! I phoned them up and after about 20 minutes listening to crappy pop music and some disembodied female tell me to be patient! ( a sure fire thing guaranteed to mhave the opposite effect) after about 15 mins of near insanity listening to this nonsense, I finally got through to some overly friendly female who insisted on trying to be familiar and call me Christine all the bloody time. After asking her why a multi million pound utility company couldn't employ a basic sparky she then put me onto some bloke further up their food chain.
He tried explaining to me that I would have to wait numerous weeks with my existing meter (which we had now established had the wrong thickness of cable) I said I had no desire to spend the next indeterminate number of weeks lying awake in my bed worrying i might now be burnt to a possible crisp while they located some electrician that might have the right thickness of cable. Also in the meantime I still needed to keep on feeding this greedy meter with my hard earned cash! This would indeed make a noteworthy headline Electricity company can't change faulty meter as its not the right department or engineer! This prompted the immediate response of compensation by way of reimbursing me via adding money to my meter. i was a little more amenable to this suggestion, however as I had no desire to lose any more pay waiting for them to find the "right" electrician! I didn't want to wait weeks. The outcome is he is phoning me tomorrow with a suitable date. Shower of bar stewards they are all of them!
Photo is no1 son chilling out on the bloody blow up chair!

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