Old Yeller

Moon, only a few photos taken as I walked the dogs this afternoon
woke up to freezing fog and very icy this morning which turned to
drizzle. I took my G'Daughter & Isla to there swimming lesson this
lunchtime, It was good I can say with hand on heart Isla was the
loudest and the funniest laughing and shouting even after she got
a dunking!!! When we were in the changing room we heard this
smacking sound and a toddler shouting the odds at her Mum then
smacking again and again then the kid screaming, we looked at each
other frowning, and I had to go out to see what was going on, I hate
seeing kids being smacked, weeeeel how wrong could I have been it
was the kid smacking the mother!!!!!!!!!!!Annd she was not just tapping
her she was smacking her on the leg really hard, then the Mumshouted
at the kid and the kid burst into tears she just didn't want to go to her
swimming lesson by the sounds of it, good job I didn't go in with all
guns blazing, which I have done in the past when a Mother smacked
her little lad so hard round the face he fell over...You lovely people
don't want to know what I said
.....Go large if you like. Hope you are
all having a great day.

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