
By MaryJo


Today was one of the best yet.
First we went to Balboa Park. Beautiful park with many museums.
Then drove to La Jolla. By far my favorite. We saw seals sunning themselves, people surfing along with the sound of the waves crashing to the shore. Then we looked to the right and say a lot of Pelicans. It's easy to identify pelicans because they are one of the only birds with a pouch under their bill. There is a famous limerick that begins, “A wonderful bird is the pelican, his bill can hold more than his ‘belican’….” This enormous, naked skin pouch hangs from the lower half of the pelican's long, straight bill, which is hooked at the tip. The pouch is used to catch fish and, as the limerick says, its bill does indeed hold more than its "belly can"! The unique pouch is also helpful in warm weather. While roosting in the hot sun, pelicans open their bill and flap the pouch to cool off. Their life span is up to 30 years.
To end the day we went to the Latitude had a drink, took a bike ride up a few miles to the house of Blue"s , after that we stopped at the restaurant and Bar called Henry's. It was such a good time. We made fast friends with the hostess, security man and a woman who work for the entertainment. We sat outside facing the sidewalk so they stayed and talked to us for hours, plus it was a great people watching spot.

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