This is what hot looks like

The temperature topped 45 degrees in Adelaide today.

So I had this idea of how to show how hot "hot" is.

We cooked an egg on a hot plate powered by the sun. That's how hot "hot" is. It's a manky series of shots, because it took all of 30 seconds - I didn't fiddle around at all.

No Rowers were harmed in the taking of this image.

Thanks so much for all your lovely comments on my cool heron yesterday. When I said I ran down to the lake, I didn't actually mean run - as in running. I meant we ran down in the car. I don't do running. Not ever.

And finally, the Parks are all closed today, because of the ever-present fire danger and the heat. And now a thunder storm is rolling in, but it won't cool down yet. We are worried about dry lightening strikes.

Hear the sizzle

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