Wet Road

By now the tup should have done it's job and it's almost time to go and collect the ewes I bought back in November. If all is well they will be in lamb. It will be an eighty mile journey to retrieve them and that again back.

I now need to make sure the paddock is secure. I need to renew the fence that runs along the side of the garden and insert a gate. I managed to get an 8 x 8 gate post into the polo far more easily than I thought, then had to go back into Guildford this evening for gate hinges and straining wire for the fence. As there is no shade at all in the field I want to allow them to get under the apple trees in the garden in the summer.

Having spent the day running around, for these and other various bits and pieces, the work won't now be done until next week. Having everything I need here is not a wasted day. I have a provisional date to pick up in the first week of February.

I grabbed the camera and put it in the car when I went to Guildford. I didn't go for the shot I wanted as it decided to pour with rain. Instead, I took this as I waited in the traffic jam. Not good but the only pic I took today.

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