Peachie's Pics

By Peachie


"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit" Ephesians 5:18

So I don't think the spirits in this picture is the Spirit meant in this Bible verse, so this picture is a little tongue in cheek. This is our Icelandic collection of spirits, we have collected these over our many trips to Iceland. However, this Bible verse does have a lot of meaning in terms of getting drunk and the advice it gives. How many people have stories to tell of mistakes they made and regrets they have which were result of getting drunk? Many I am guessing.

God warned us of this in this Bible verse, not to get drunk, but instead to be filled with the Spirit, which of course He means His Holy Spirit. As I said on the 11th January, being filled with the Spirit gives us wisdom and strength for the things that we face in our daily lives. This is much more wholesome then getting drunk...

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