Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Big Bunny

I tell people I have giant rabbits, they imagine they know what that means, but the reality is often a shock.

I mean rabbits just aren't bigger than cats are they!

This is our biggest cat sitting curled up next to Jeeves, who is actually the smallest of our French Lops.

There are bigger breeds of bunnies.

Big bunnies are no different to normal size bunnies, only well you have to think bigger.

For our little bunnies we can buy bunny toys, for our big bunnies we buy baby and dog toys.

For our little bunnies they have bunny sized nosh bowls, for our big bunnies think the dog section of the pet shop again.

Our little bunnies can live in a hutch (it's a big hutch with a big run). For our big bunnies there are no hutches, if you were wanting to keep big bunnies outside then think along the size of a shed.

Our big bunnies are actually house rabbits, that's why you see them more than the little bunnies simply because there are more opportunities to photo them. Our little bunnies while it's true they don't get as much social interaction with us are not ignored we do spend time with them.

Bunnies do make fab pets, they can be litter trained, they have fab personalities and honestly the best thing is a happy binkying bunny and know your bunny is so relaxed and comfortable with you they are will to do the bunny flop.

But did you know despite being the third most popular pet in the uk they are one of the most neglected. Did you know pet shops sell treats as suitable for rabbits when they are not. Did you know that many vets don't actually know how to treat a bunny, due to their digestive system they are actually classed as exotic pets.

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