
By toothfairy

Three Hundred

Another milestone.
Certainly been an eventful 300 blip period.
Many ups and downs.
Somehow managed to survive all that has been thrown at me over the last 300 days.
Still managing to have fun and enjoy laughter.
This is mainly due to all my friends,, both in the real world, and also in the land of blip.
Do love the banter with all my new friends that I have met through blip.
Thank you all so much.
However I dedicate this blip to my pets.
You all now know who they are.
Today Beano had surgery at the vets.
He required the removal of three lesions on his head.
He is now back home laying in front of the fire.
So far we haven't needed to put his collar on to stop him removing his stitches, but this may change.
I fully intend to carry on blipping., I love having this to do each day.
It is never a chore, but a challenge to be enjoyed.

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