
and for once I'm not talking about the state of Little miss bossy's bedroom (it's quite amazing how the threat of with-holding pocket money works) but actually a real life site where there is a bomb, or rather, was a bomb, seeing as it was safely disposed of this morning*.

It was a bizarre walk this morning, first there was the bombsite, blipped sneakily & furtively with my zoom lens, I will only take my blip dedication so far...

Then I walked past a guy with his gun dog and gun, training his binoculars on some innocently swimming ducks, he didn't kill anything whilst I was in earshot but it does strike me as rather odd, that it's OK to wander along a public path with a rifle and the intent to kill.

Further along the river a cyclist stopped me to warn me about the 'hunter', telling me that Logan would be fine but I should watch my back, great. We continued chatting and he asked in which direction I was headed as there was tree felling up ahead, I told him I was going uphill, turns out he has a friend up in that same direction - buried in the graveyard...people are odd.

Then the icing on the cake, walking back home up through the woods we had to squeeze past a van and a tractor at the bottom of the track, at the top of the track the tree fellers with chainsaws were in action just behind the sign strung across the path warning of 'no entry/tree felling', clearly the guys at the bottom of the hill were a bit slow putting up the sign at the bottom of the hill, a good thing for me because otherwise I'd have had to go home the long way round!

Who knows what excitement tomorrow's dog walk may bring.

* I'm assuming safely, I have no eye witness accounts, but as the buildings within the 250m exclusion zone are still 100% intact, I guess all went well.

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