An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

I'm starting with the Woman in the Mirror...

It will be my birthday soon. Not a significant one this year but it WILL be a significant one in three years time.

For the first time in a very long time I have looked myself in the eye and faced reality and as a result I have a choice to make.

I can choose to stay as I am or I can choose to change. I am choosing to change.

I want to be as fit and healthy as I can be when that half century rolls around. It’s not about dieting and short term fixes, it’s about really taking care of myself and feeling I am worth the effort of doing so.

And there’s a young man in my life who I love so much, my heart could burst when I think of him. He needs me here for as long as I possibly can be.

I am not planning to dwell on the changes I am making in my journal but I did want to mark the day the decision was made.

And to thank this amazing lady, who is a complete inspiration.

PS Good news, I think we've managed to book the holiday cottage in Kent at Easter. Just awaiting final confirmation. :D

PPS Backblip

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