Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

A Wee Soupcon of Gardening

It's been a lovely morning, if a bit grey now. Yesterday evening , a friend noted on her facebook status that she'd had a great weekend tidying her garden, and it put me in the notion. We did a major tidy of the home garden in the autumn, but there's always something to potter about with, even in this under-loved garden, where we tend just to focus on what is easy in borders and what goes well in a pot!

But this is a 'fast' day and having had not a mouthful to eat since yesterday evening, a little crock of homemade veggie soup was essential.

Indoors again now and online for Week Two of Introduction to Forensic Science, The Murder at the Loch: this week -- Fingerprints! Good job I watched Sherlock yesterday evening!

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