These Things I Love

By candi

Life On the Other Side Reflected Back

I can't believe it's already Thursday! WOOHOO!!!

Work this week has been fabulous because I have been in between moderate business to hella busy, which has made the days just fly.

I finished lunch today and found myself craving a Pepsi. I went out to the soda machine and to my horror found it was completely lacking of my favorite beverage.

Checking the time I noted that I still had a good 45 minutes before my lunch break was over. New plan drive up to the Taco Bell and grab myself a you see I was jonesin bad!

While I was waiting at a light I happened to look in my side view mirror and see reflected back this shot. I liked the looks of it so I blipped it.

After I had picked up my most treasured Pepsi I was driving home and on a truck in front of me is a bumper sticker that read These here colors...them don't run and in the background of the sticker was a mangled beat up American flag. Mind you I'm not a non patriotic person but when I saw this I found myself almost ashamed to be American...when bumper stickers are printed encouraging "red neck" grammar it makes a girl wonder...

Anyhoo hope everyone has a beautiful Thursday!

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