Ten year WIP

I started this Blanket in approx. 2004, and it has been holding me back for some time, nagging at me that it needs finishing before I start anything else. There are 21 colours in it, and 12 squares in each colour. This evening I have completed colour 19 so I am now over 90% finished.

I am still sorting out my studio, and as part of my new year regime, I have found all my WIP (work in progress) and made a note of them with the hope that I will get them all finished this year. I also hope to complete anything I start this year without putting it away at any point.

So far I have found 32 WIP's. There may be more to uncover yet, but now I have made a public declaration of intent I may actually finish ( or dispose of) them all this year. I have completed one so far, so this could be 2 of 32.

By the way it is knit in 2ply Shetland wool, and each square is approx. 2.5 inches.

So watch this space, hopefully this will be item 2 /32 finished.....

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