My girl

Katie asked to get up and go play quite early today. I agreed, on the agreement that she would be sensible and fairly tidy. She came back and asked to paint, saying she knew she could do it tidily. I decided to see where this went. When I went in the playroom, I couldnt even tell she'd painted. She'd done pictures, put them to dry, washed herself and her painting tools, and put the tools & paint away. I was pretty impressed! She then got herself dressed and her outfit was both adorable and coordinating.

She went to Church with her friend Lydia and family today as I had a newborn this morning. When she came back I asked her what they'd done and she said "a puppet show. My cousin helped. But wasnt a teacher. Just helped". And added that she'd had two biscuits. With a cheeky grin as she knows I normally only let her have one.

She had a snuggle and lunch with me for a nice time over midday, then played in her playroom for an hour while I had my second session. This shot is just before their session, when we had been watching the workmen in our garden fixing the fence. From about 2, she mainly played downstairs. For ages with her kitchen, she brought her poi down and showed me how good she's getting with them now and she finally brought down her spirograph. Her 3D, ultraviolet spirograph. I loved spirograph when I was little. This one is fancier than mine. Although they have changed the design and its much harder to use, so I may look for an original version. She loves it though. Its definitely something that she will get a lot of years out of though!

Another day of her eating me out of house and home today - two bowls of cereal which were a mix of every cereal we have, plus toast. Snack at church. Lunch at home, beans on toast, a humongous early tea which she polished off with gusto., fruit, pudding, supper. Masses of milk. Definitely on a mission!

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