The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely

We are watching you!

Many times I have been to the local forests and had this horrible feeling someone or something is watching me. For many years I was really freeked out by this, and to this day I feel very insecure alone in the forest, and still feel I am being watched. But I have discovered that sometimes I am being watched, and mostly by Deer of one sort or another. They usually keep very quiet, and just give a little rustle now and then - which is most disconcerting!
Worse still, every so often they just jump out of the hedge right in front of me! and frighten the life out of about adrenalin overload!!
While I was out this morning driving along the Grouse road I noticed this pure white deer out of the corner of my eye as I passed some woodland. Fortunately for me there was no-one behind as I slammed on the brakes, and reversed back for a better look. It turned out to be s a herd of about 25 fallow (I think) deer, making their way through the forest, really lovely to see.
So today's blip, is really not a very good shot, and at first glance looks like it is of nothing too......but if you look closely you can just make out several deer faces staring back at you.
Seems the forest does watch us after all....

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