A Shocked Flower Girl ...

I really have had a fun time this morning doing sp's, I couldnt stop smiling at myself doing these ( I think I have lost the plot completely now, haha ... dont answer that) you must try this sometime for yourselves they are so much fun.

Tomorrow is my last sp, I will not bore you with them anymore :):):) but I have had an awesome time doing something different.

I was asked a couple of weeks ago if I would take some photographs of the outside and inside of the Red Mount Chapel as it is being closed until next March due to bats hibernating in there.

I was a little nervous at first thinking the only time I have been in there was with the school when I was little and the other week when other people were in there on an Open Day but it was fine.

Eric came with me this morning to take the photos, I was so pleased to think Eric and myself were going to be the last people in there until next year. I got some really nice photographs today, I hope they like them.

I recieved my copy of the "Digital Camera Magazine" I am in their latest Issue, I really like the image, it is all so exciting.

Then also this morning Aaron received a telephone call saying he has got a job on Saturday's at Debenhams, Woo Hoo Aaron, well done hunni xxx

What a great day in the Flowerpot Household.

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