With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

The bare bones of it

The waterslide looking like its days are numbered.

There is a lot of bamboo and such still on the beach, so we gathered some good bits as kindling to get up an appetite.

For lunch we just followed our noses. The mirador didn't show its usual views as the cloud had rolled in, but it did feel like a celestial meal. I haven't been for a long time, in fact not since my first ever blip I think here. My how Ben has grown!

I kept driving up the hill a bit afterwards so we could run off a bit of the sustenance at Sa Bassa and then we collected some eucalyptus to light the fire with.

The fire is lit, the tree resigned to the compost heap (no roots to speak of unfortunately) and a small cat rushed to greet us back. All good.

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