The beast.

Noticed hubster had the sax out, I really must track down a tutor from the local High skool!
Had a really weird dream last night! This is the second or maybe third time I have had it and if there are any bliperoos out there who can explain it I would be very grateful! Started feeling this really cold sensation, then like something or someone was pushing me or like a snake slithering down behind me and before you all go off on one suggesting hubby might have been to blame! he was sound asleep! and the time before I was alone in bed. It freaks me out and scares the bejeezus out of me! The last time I experienced it I was convinced there was some sort of bad person or thing in my room. I can get right back to sleep so it doesn't bother me that way but it is scary when it happens. I am not worried about anything specific so thats not it! I did try Googling it but the only logical explanation was that my brain was waking up before my body (well that's a first!) I'm thinking I might have to get the Holy water out otherwise. Any explanations welcome guys!

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