Bay pond!
This place so named, " Bay pond" conjures up a lovely summers day, alas that wasn't so this afternoon. Still we managed a short walk before the drizzle came! My blip isn't inspiring really but I must keep on track ie 1 a week at least!!! The ducks were very few and far between this afternoon, guess they all wanted to find a bit of warmth? We have 2 favourite ones we call Ron and Ef, for those of you old enough to remember Jimmy Edwards and June Whitfield will know they had a programme on BBC 4 ( comedy ) and 2 characters in this programme were Ron and Ef a real comical pair, our favourite ducks remind us of them with their antics(of course you need to transpose radio, with a rather big dose of imagination to see what is meant by that statement !!!)
FORTH BLIP! And it's still only January !! I need to take it easy my finger may give out!!
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