Reflection at Salisbury Cathedral

Following the loss of my father to cancer at the end of August 2013, my brother and I took my mum away to Dorset for a few days to go to the coast, a place my father was so fond of being. On the way back to Warwickshire we chose to stop off in Salisbury and have a look around, particularly at the cathedral.
As an architect i was in awe of the structure and also the incredible stained glass windows. The use of natural and artificial light really helps the space. I particularly like the William Pye sculptural font which not only incorporates the movement and sound of water, but also an incredible stillness in the water's surface. Taken on my iphone, i crouched down, turned my phone upside down (to get the lens as close as possible to the water) and lined up the horizon so that the true view disappeared into the reflection - almost seamlessly.

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