Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos

First time out with cam...

since I destroyed my wrist - so today I really really wanted to take my cam with me to shoot whatever comes in front of my lens... Hubby, the boys and I did a looong long walk (about 2 hours and 5,5 ams) in a lovely spring weather - yes I know we're having winter season-wise but right now we have 8 degrees and sunshine and birds singing...
Did lots of photos and EEENNNJOOOYYYED it to move the lens like I was used to do it but couldn't do it for some long 8 weeks - was totally happy with my cam in my arms :))) and did hold it like a baby _))))
This is my fav shot of the day - would really love to know what was going in in this woman's thoughts - maybe she just took a break from walking - maybe she has to do a hard decision - maybe she has lost a beloved one - maybe she just enjoyed the view... I love those kind of photos where your "imagination" is endless.....

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