Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Fox Goes to Washington

I drove into Washington, DC today to get photographs of the United States Capitol because scaffolding is going up soon to do the first renovations in over 50 years.

Just as I finished up, a Japanese man (also taking pictures) came running to me yelling "Look! Look!". A fox was running on the frozen surface of the US Capitol Reflecting Pool.

A lady with her dog were jogging nearby and when the dog so the fox, he took off with his human in tow... The fox ran away from the reflecting pool and went under a fence for safety. He turned around, and all you could see was his head sticking out under the fence. The lady and her dog were about 10 feet away having a stare down with the fox.

I slowly approached the lady and asked if if she could back away maybe twenty feet so that I could get a picture. Once she and her dog was out of the way, I S-L-O-W-L-Y approached the fox as he came out of hiding. He and I got about 6 feet from each other and I kneeled down so that I could get this picture.

Note that today is the very first time I didn't bring my 500mm lens with me and the largest lens I had was an 85 mm portrait lens. So this picture did have to be cropped a bit...

Hope you like the fox and I'll be back soon.


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