
By Croft16

Run in..

..An emergency visit to the vet today.

When I was digging ditches yesterday, was also throwing the ball for Tanni. On one occasion when she brought it back, I thought she was limping a little. Had a look, but couldn't see anything, and it didn't seem to worry her after.

Until we got back to the house, when she was limping quite badly. She was also covered in mud, so it was bath time in the kitchen sink. I still couldn't see any damage, but she was obviously uncomfortable. Limping quite badly now, and wouldn't put any weight on her paw. When I came down this morning,she still wouldn't put any weight on it, and it was badly swollen. She was also licking it constantly. A quick phone to the vet, and appointment made for 12:10. The vet is in Tain, 80 miles away, so we left at 10:15, and driving through snow storms (some had settled on the road making it slippy), we got there with 10 mins to spare. Needn't have rushed, as there were still 3 dogs waiting to be seen when we arrived.

We did stop at Bonar on the way, for the loo, and gave her a quick run, and she seemed a lot better.

When the vet eventually inspected her paw, she had a puncture wound between her second and third toes, and signs of swelling, now much reduced. A course of antibiotics, and keep it clean, and she'll be fine.. Even got a "boot" made out of an old saline drip bag. Quite strong plastic, with holes cut around the top and a bandage fed through to tie on her foot when we go out in the dirt..

Did a bit of shopping while we were there too..

This happened on the way home, 100,000 miles, the car's run in now!! That's quite a distance, 4 times around the Earth, but hardly anything for a Diesel Volvo Estate!! I wonder if there's enough digits on the display to do 1,000,000 miles!!

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