Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Head in the clouds

Its been a beautiful day today so I took Misty on her first fell walk together with L my neighbour's dog. I decided to walk up Binsey as its fairly easy and I'm a bit out of practice. It was lovely and sunny at low level and by the time we got to the top we were in thick cloud. The light and clouds during the walk were spectacular and of course I've taken way too many photos. Misty was in her element and ran and ran and ran. We met a few people along the way who she barked at again!! Once back down at lower level there was plenty of sunshine again. Oh nearly forgot... the paragliders were up in the air and a couple glided over us at one point and were so low we said hello!

The lake in this image is Bassenthwaite and I could just about see that there's snow on the fell tops. May not get to comment tonight as up to my eyes in accounts which I've promised to get to accountant by Monday :)

Thank you for comments and stars on yesterday's blip :)

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