Mining a golden seam
"Please will you help out?" "We need a photograph to go in the paper........."
The Embroiderers' Guilds in the North East put on an exhibition of work called "Mining the Golden Seam" a couple of years ago. The exhibition is being brought together again and going off to Paris, no less. They want photos of the people in the different guilds and their work.
Inevitably, some people were half an hour late and some never arrived. The church hall walls were more challenging than expected as a back drop with flash.
I initially posted a different image, the one for the newspaper, but I didn't like it. Sorry to those people who have commented, but here is one I preferred. These lovely ladies were very patient as I tried to get the settings on the camera just right. Here they are gathering for another group photo.
Did a bit of shopping while Mum was at said Embroiderers' Guild meeting.
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