Hardly a Cloud

5.4C frosty to start and clear and sunny. Some cloud later. Light breeze.

Apothecary7 had her day off today. She has another on Monday. All good, but then too long a wait for the next. Ups and downs.

We did the usual day off trip to M&S at City Quay. Then we came back home and went for our usual walk with Maeve the Deerhound. I had taken some more sunrise shots earlier. With tree silhouettes. However, this almost cloudless sky looking back inland from the field gate we go through to get to the level crossing gives a better feel for the day. The old school, church, and glebe buildings are half a mile from the spot I took the picture.

Down on the beach the tide was a bit further in than of late. We wandered along to the fishermen's huts. A loose Jack Russell came rushing along the beach and was quite aggressive towards Maeve. Thankfully she was able to dodge is initial surprise rush and I fended it off until its profusely apologising owner came to grab it. Just the sort of thing that can spoil a beach walk. Thankfully it happens rarely. Maeve will be very nervy and no doubt will bark at most dogs we might see for the next few days !

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