
By Nenz

Good-bye B.O.B, Hello Avatar

Luka's B.O.B experiment has come to an end. The dreadlocks were nice, but have become a bit of an knotty spider creation. The back had turned into a nice ' welcome' mat and Luka has started to complain about being hot with it.

So, this morning we had a session in the shower together to try to wash and condition and comb it sort of back to normal. The top looked really good but the underlying knots were not going anywhere. The dreaded trip to the hairdressers for Luka had come. After some consultation Luka settled for trying this look with top hair in braid and sides no.2. The lovely ladies at the shop did their very best not to have to shave the lot off. Luka is happy as Larry with the new look, as a 'normal' boys haircut is not very Luka. He likes to express his individuality and a 'different' hair is one of his ways. Oh, and the Avatar thing; apparently the character in the Avatar cartoon has hair like this?

I love the new look too, but will love Luka with any sort of hair, really :)

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