One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Wooden face

Not me.
I broke into a big bright happy smile when I saw what Auntie Clare got us for Christmas.
This truly is a present for life.
A bowl that will outlast us (several times over).
It's made from Irish elm. I love elm.
I love wood. I love to touch it. I love to smell it. I love to feel it on my cheek.
I have already secretly kissed it.
I love the weight of it in my hands. It's reassuring solid woody solidness.
We might even use it to put fruit into it!
Yes, it is that great.
I really love the smell.
When I first smelled it, it reminded me of something. A rather confusing sensation. It reminded of a smell that wasn't nice. But this solid elm bowl smells gorgeous. And it is lovely to caress.
Its smell reminds me a bit of a former colleague of mine. But he smelled like a bad elm. An elm with a disease eating him from the inside.
And he wasn't nice to caress.
He had a sweaty nose.

I really really love our new fruit bowl.

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