Christmas eve

We seem to have a tradition started, snow dome on Christmas Eve, and why not it is so magical!!
Just one difference this year when we went to snow domes winter wonderland mamma and grandad came with us. And it didn't disappoint at all.

we got there and headed straight for the snow, as soon as they opened the doors you could feel the cold. it was so beautiful, beautiful lights and decorations. we grabbed two sledges and the babies jumped on. did one quick lap so that we got to see everything and then took a slower walk to see all the hidden treasures. erin was adamant that she only needed one of the two pairs of gloves that i had for her and within minutes she was moaning that her hands were cold! why listen to me, what do i know.
we took to the tubes down the big ramp, wow they were fast, i took caleb on one and skittled about 4 kiddies at the bottom, whoops :(

The half an hour was up far too soon and we headed onto the show. Babies were spoilt for choice on who's knees to sit on so it was like pass the parcel all the way through. The show was lovely. Santa was funny and the elf was silly, babies loved it, and by the look on grandads face so did he.

Next stop was the farm. There were more animals than last year and the reindeers where all still there. They were catching up on their sleep for their busy night tonight.

After we had seen it all we went onto the big photo in the sleigh. It was on a green screen, and they added reindeers pulling it through the sky. Just three attempts to get all 6 of us looking on way :)

After an hour drive home it was already getting late so a very quick change into the babies Christmas Eve pjs that elfie had left them. Cookies, milk and carrot put out and off to bed for the babies. Erin was so excited. I love that she now knows whats happening, next year hopefully caleb will as well.

We had the last bits to set up and put out in time for the big man coming. OMG im so excited I cant wait for tomorrow.

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