Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Diet day one, things are already going well. Until later, when crackers appear. The main challenge is, can I not have a drink all week? Realizing I actually drink far far too much port.

Had to do something very important and daunting today. Send off my UCAS. For those of you who aren't 18, the way you apply for university or higher education is through this lovely company called UCAS. Basically you put all your things in there, education, details and choices. Then you have to write your personal statement which is hell, but mines rather witty.

Anyhoo, I've applied at two places. Sunderland University to do Glass and Ceramics and a foundation degree at the college in at to do Contemporary crafts, which is just ceramics, metal and wood work. All very manly to be honest.

Hope you are all well, I know January can be a tough month for everyone. Lack of money and motivation, but it's best to start positive, tomorrows a new day.

Happy Blipping.

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