Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


I was in the main office today. It was a bit too dingy on the canal for a blip on the way there and I lazied and got the bus home so no blip there. I was three minutes too late arriving home, I met the postman on the stairs, he could have been my stranger!

The aforementioned postman (not the usual one) dropped off a package and this was the contents. I've blurred out the names just in case anyone wouldn't be happy with them being seen. So now my challenge begins, find a stranger, engage them in conversation, take one solitary photo on the camera and send it on.

a person whom one does not know or with whom one is not familiar.

I've been thinking about this challenge since I knew the camera was coming to me. Stranger, "with whom one is not familiar". By this definition, most of the photos I've been thinking of wouldn't fall into the stranger category. There are many people who I do not know but with whom I am familiar. People I see on a semi-regular basis, who's faces I recognise but names I do not know. Are they strangers? If you'd exchange a smile or nod, are they a stranger? If you idly chat with them whilst they process your order, are they a stranger? Should a stranger be someone who you have never seen before?

Well hopefully tomorrow will answer these questions for me. I have a half hour window at the Farmers' Market and I hope to find my stranger there. I hope to not take the easy option of someone with a camera on the grounds they might understand. I hope to not take the easy option of a not so strange stranger. Who knows what tomorrow will bring, we shall see...

I'm very nervous!

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