
By eseifried

Miss Imagination

I was watching Agnes take care of Jillian the other day when I started grieving for her. She's never been to a real library, she's never seen a play, she's never toured a museum or played in the thick grass at a park. She's never been given so many of the opportunities I have, so many opportunities that spark a dream of what could be. I started wondering if she lets herself dream.

The next day I asked her what she dreams about, about her future hopes. She responded in her sweet little voice "that didn't know", but I told her that if she thinks of anything to let me know.

It was just this morning that I realized something: she might not be able to articulate her hopes and aspirations, but OH does she have an imagination! And this news is not new news to me. I was walking across the compound, mind occupied with something work-realted, when I looked over and saw Agnes standing the shade of the morning sun, Jillian tied to her back. Right when we made eye contact, she whips this little chapati mask up to her face. After a split second of surprise, I couldn't help but laaaaaugh! We giggled together in the moment, and have giggled all throughout the day looking at this funny, imaginative, full-of-life little girl.

I can only believe that with an imagination that creates this type of fun, there are great dreams and hopes in this sweet girl's mind.

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