Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos

(healty?) breakfast....

I am trying again ----- trying to eat a little healthier than the last weeks (okay thats not too difficult as I had the most unhealthy breakfasts lately)... so here we go with a coffee with whipped MILK (not cream) without sugar - muesli without sugar, only some grain, raisins, nuts, a little bit apple and a little bit of an orange..... and 50 ml milk (not low fat - the normal milk which for me is 3,5% fat).... being honest -its not the most in this cup - 30 grams of muesli with this little milk and a little bit of fruits - but have to mention that I was full til midday - I didn't expect it... so lets see for how long I will go on this healthy track...

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