Over the Fence

Such a glorious morning! This is over the fence behind :)

More practice for Camera School silhouettes! I prefer Sunday's Sunrise for that, if that's all I get to do :)

I Really need my day off today~to do nothing!

Just need to go for my annual blood test a little later, but the rest of the day is mine to potter, chill and catch up on a few chores :) I feel a mainly pj day coming on!

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and stars yesterday, I'm sorry I didn't reply to anyone! I was so exhausted when I got home from work after another extremely busy day....I had tea and fell asleep on the sofa then went moreorless straight to bed! If this is how my weeks are going to be, I may now consider having my comments off on days I'm working, its a horrible thing, but I'm just so busy these days....

In other news, I have now taken on an additional job at work (no more hours or pay at the moment), which is important and has not been done in all the time we haven't had our previous Admin (3 months now)!

I'm quite pleased because its a role I have a lot of experience of in the past, but its just more work to catch up with the backlog and get everything resolved. Once I'm into it, and its another 'daily' job, it will be easier again!

Happy Friday folks :) Hope the sun is shining for you!

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