
By MamaOfBoys

Slugs, spiders and flies

So part of being a mama of boys involves catching bugs. I really really don't like spiders but I will catch them if my Marley moo asks me to. And today he did. And today I did. I actually caught two wa hey!! I also then had to catch flies to feed the spiders but I excel at doing that so it wasn't a problem. Just a side note I don't catch flies for fun I prefer it to spraying, Harpers teething everything goes in his mouth and I would hate his toys to get covered in fly spray.

So in Mars bug catcher were 2 spiders and 3 flies until one spider got out so I uh killed him.

Moving on.

Kanye hasn't been himself since his seizure he's been all over the place and really full on. Today he poured a jar of jam over the loaf of bread I made while I changed Harper, he snapped some star lights we decided to leave up from Christmas and when I took the boys to the school for a bike ride he got down on the ground and drank from a puddle! Not to mention he refused to walk home, was aggressive and wouldn't leave Marley alone.

My mum came over to help settle him and he eventually calmed down and was easy to deal with.

I felt really exhausted today Harper hasn't been sleeping particularly well and with Kanye it's just been a bit much.

Andre went out not long after dinner to his friends for another boys gaming night.

So all in all it's been an alright day

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