A Wonderful Life

By Ellie123

Electric Mayhem

Time to start sorting out all of the items we just threw into a box when we came over. We seem to have acquired at least 5 sets of headphones each and about 14 memory sticks. We have made a rule this year that every time we buy something new we have to dispose of something old. So, if I buy a new pair of shoes I have to throw an existing pair : (
(Obviously, this doesn't apply to expensive gadgets).
I made up the rule but now I'm thinking I sure would like a new handbag without losing an old one. Oh well, this is the only way to keep things in check as we are planning to move back to America in 2015 and I literally can't carry any more excess baggage than we came over with. Although, I have started to send my husband to the gym...just in case .......

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