Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


Our daughter sent us a text yesterday to let us know she would be driving today to spend a couple days with us here on the Central Coast. She arrived at approximately 10:00 a.m.

After she had been here about an hour or so, we put the 3 pooches in the car with the 3 of us and drove the 4 miles to Morro Bay where we stopped for lunch.

After lunch we drove toward San Luis Obispo to Cuesta Community College because there is a large thrift store, called Achievement House, located behind the college. Each of us found a few "treasures" and then we went on toward SLO because she wanted to look in one particular store for some clothing she had seen at Christmas time when she was here. We found the store, but the clothing was way over-priced, so she didn't buy anything.

The two of us also knew we needed to get to the PetCo Store to purchase the particular brand of kibble our 3 pooches eat because the only feed store we've located here on the coast doesn't carry it.

Then we pointed the car toward the coast again and started the 20 minute journey toward the house, knowing that we needed to stop at the grocery store for the ingredients to make the next several days meals.

After returning home and getting the car unpacked of the loot we gathered today, it was time to settle-in for the sunset spectacular. AND it was spectacular.

Today's photo is our daughter getting a close-up look at something out there somewhere on the water that had captured her attention.

We've all had a fun Thursday together, except that Mr. Fun's knee has provided more pain today than any day since his knee surgery on Monday, December 30. So we'll be monitoring that closely the next few days.

Good night from California's Central Coast.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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