
By tidaschu

The last banana

Yeah, it had a rough time. Was the last survivor Manu and me found when we were buying some stuff before the market closes. Luckily we are living in a metropolitan city, where you can find super markets open until midnight.
It's wasted, however it's a sign for hope. After a lean period (if I want to make a movie about my week... it would take 5 min... nah... let's say three and a half) we managed to help each other out and leave the flat. For me it was the first time this week... depression is a bitch. I don't know what triggered it this time. After New Years Eve in Budapest I remember only one night out with my Ex... maybe this was the cause... maybe it's the same junk that worries me all the time. Besides washing the laundry and some other things the modern man needs to survive I did nothing (As long as watching TV series & TED talks doesn't count as productive or social activity). So we made this agreement, me and Manu, while sitting at a kebab place. To work until 0.30am and then watch a movie together. By work I mean answering all the people that try to communicate me during this lean period... Whatsapp was done and then I decided to KickOff this new project.
Let's see where it goes (;
It's 0.50am now... let's watch a movie.

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