Thou shall not have! Ice cream and other vices

She gets her grimace from her Ma. Tess in action desperately trying to defend her banana split from invaders of the paternal kind.

In other news Sam went to Meldrum Academy today ...... with a Newmachar Primary insignia school jumper on. Easy done when everyone sleeps in and has 20 mins to change from chewbacca mode to half human, without the aid of a Calvin and Hobbs transmogrification machine.

Today in a training course we were told that others perceive and judge you as follows:- 60% exposure (i.e putting yourself out there), 30% appearance and 10% performance. As a 41 year old woman I don't know why I immediately thought about the Inbetweeners and how those stats must pretty much sum up how teenage boys view "the sex"/sex/sexy time (delete as appropriate)'s all about how many times they do it, sort of how attractive someone is and very little to do with performance, hahaha. I stupidly blurted that out in the course. Silence, followed by some laughter, much to my relief. The course was about self development....think before you speak Elaine, some middle aged women do not watch the Inbetweeners.

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